Photo Valérie Lechiffre – Magazine “La Papeterie” – ENP Publishing Group
It’s Jean-Pierre Brice Capitalmind,managing partner, who ran the round-table conference dedicated to the French leaders of the paper making industry. What qualities are needed to succeed and what actions need to be taken? In his opening statement, Jean-Pierre Brice mentioned the well-known Mittlestand, the middle market companies which are Germany’s industrial backbone. According to him, in order to become a leader, several criteria must be fulfilled: “Higher than average results in its activity sector, investment and a leadership on target markets”. The companies that participated in the round-table conference fulfil part or all of these criteria. “Furthermore, their shareholders are largely family and, for two of them, they are run by women”, observed Jean-Pierre.
The participants brought together were :
- Sylvie Casenave-Pere, Chairwoman of Posson Packaging
- Simon Cena, Managing Director of d’Allimand
- Nathalie Chapusot, Managing Director marketing /sales and e-commerce delegate for Raja
- Antonio Monteiro, Managing Director “FCR” of Paprec
- Jean-Marie Nusse, Managing Director delegate of Exacompta-Clairefontame
- David Schisler, Chairman of Schisler Packaging Solutions
The vision of the paper machine manufacturer Allimand, was also very clear. Simon Cena highlighted the main assets of the company which is based just outside of Grenoble : “Its independence (with 62% of shareholders being family members), development keeping with market evolution, charismatic leaders, choice, very early on, large-scale exports – in Europe, Asia, North America and tomorrow, we hope in South America – technological know-how and services”. However, the company has chosen to keep the manufacturing of its machines in France. Finally, it meets the needs of traditional and high value added paper making markets (nonwoven, cigarette paper, etc).